Our goal at Shekinah Creations Sewing Studio (from here on known as S.C.S.S.) aims to provide all of our students with an exemplary sewing education. Your child will be learning in a professional sewing environment with professional equipment such as sewing machines and irons. Use of this equipment is monitored at all times and proper safety methods are taught without fail.

After reviewing the following policies, please fill out and submit the attached release form below prior to the first session in which your child will be participating. No class registration will be considered complete and/or final, nor will any child be allowed to participate in children’s classes, workshops, and other events at S.C.S.S. prior to receipt of the completed and signed release form.

Please understand that S.C.S.S. makes no exceptions to the following conditions:

  • Only a parent or legally recognized guardian may register a child for children’s classes, workshops, and other events.
  • Participation in children’s classes, workshops, and other events is solely at the risk and liability of the parent or legal guardian enrolling the child.
  • Due to the potential dangerous nature of sewing equipment and tools, it I the responsibility of the registering parent or guardian to ensure the proper placement of the child with regard to the child’s skill level. S.C.S.S. and its employees cannot accept liability for any injury or damages that your child may suffer related to premises of S.C.S.S. or participation in activities sponsored by S.C.S.S. Every effort will be made by S.C.S.S. and its employees to ensure the safety of your child while on the premises of S.C.S.S. Please contact S.C.S.S. with any questions regarding the skill level of the child and appropriate placement prior to class registration. S.C.S.S. can arrange to meet with your child to get a level recommendation prior to final enrollment.
  • If an emergency or illness occurs while your child is on the premises of S.C.S.S. and staff consider the situation to be life threatening or otherwise potentially hazardous to your child, your child’s health, other children or any property, staff may escort the child from the premises of the building. Staff may at that time request any personal, governmental or professional assistance that is deemed necessary to protect the welfare of the child.
  • S.C.S.S. staff will not administer any medication to any child. If the child has a pre-existing condition requiring a need for prescribed medication, please ensure that the parent or guardian is able to satisfy these needs either prior to or after the day’s session.
  • For the welfare and benefit of everyone, if your child is sick on a class day, please keep him or her home for the day and notify S.C.S.S. prior to the start of the class session. Arrangements will be made for a makeup class session.
  • Please make arrangements to arrive no earlier than 15 minutes prior to the start of class, and to retrieve your child no later than the scheduled end of class so that we can prepare for the next class.
  • Any personal belongings of the enrolled child or the parent/guardian that enters the premises of S.C.S.S. remain the sole responsibility of the child, parent, or guardian. S.C.S.S. shall not be responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged property or belongings.
  • No nuts due to allergies, (in consideration of other kids.) Food is also not allowed in the sewing studio, no exception.

I have read, understand and agree to abide by the conditions stated in the Shekinah Creation Sewing Studio Children’s Class Policies document. I understand that my child is enrolled in classes at S.C.S.S. at my own risk and liability. I agree that no claims of any kind or nature will be brought against S.C.S.S., or its employees as a result of injuries, illness, expenses or damages that I or my child may suffer while on the premises of S.C.S.S. whether such claims are known, unknown or arise in the future. I expressly agree that this release, waiver, and indemnity agreement is intended to be broad and inclusive as permitted by the state of Texas and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.
